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HPDE Drivers – Time to Check Your Helmet!

Every 5 years, SNELL updates the helmet ratings and we all panic. What SNELL rating is my helmet? Is it a SA2010 or a SA2015? Well, the SA2020 helmets are out and it’s time to pull those liners back and check again!

From PCA’s website under Drivers Education Minimum Standards (https://www.pca.org/drivers-education-minimum-standards), “All car occupants must wear a Snell approved helmet, which has the current available Snell rating or the one previous Snell rating.” This means that the only acceptable helmets for PCA HPDE events for 2021 must carry a SA2015 or SA2020 Snell rating.

PCA regions will be checking helmets at their events during the registration check-in and/or safety inspection and turning away participants whose helmet is out of date. Don’t be disappointed at the track, pull out your helmet now and check the Snell rating!