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Brunch and Banter – Food and Fire BBQ Taphouse

Food & Fire BBQ Taphouse 560 Harry L Drive, Johnson City, United States

Food & Fire BBQ Taphouse, 560 Harry L Drive, Johnson City, NY 13790 We will again be gathering at Food & Fire BBQ Taphouse for Brunch & Banter on February 23rd. We will arrive between 11:00 am to 3:00 pm so plenty of time is available for our distance travelers. This is another opportunity during […]

Family Skiing / Tubing

Woods Valley Ski Area 9100 NY-46, Westernville, NY, United States

Location: Woods Valley Ski Area, 9100 NY-46, Westernville, NY 13486 Time to have some fun this winter instead of complaining about the cold and snow until we get our cars out again. Join us at Woods Valley Ski Area on Saturday, 1 March from 12pm-4pm for skiing, tubing, lunch (bring or buy), and refreshments by […]

Zone1 Porsche Clash – WGI

Watkins Glen International 2790 County Route 16, Watkins Glen, NY, United States

Details to follow.

Euro Car Show – Lafayette

Lafayette Apple festival grounds, Rowland Rd, Lafayette, NY, United States

Details to follow. - https://europeanmotorclub.com