CNY Autocross
An autocross is the sport of trying to navigate your car through a defined course of pylons, usually on a large parking lot. Autocross courses are set up using soft, orange traffic pylons, which will not damage your car.
Events are run at speeds usually between 30 and 40 MPH, usually in second gear. Autocross is a “performance driving event” and a safe way to learn how to drive your car at its limit. You not only learn how to handle your car at speeds that you drive daily, but you also:
Gain confidence in your driving ability
Learn the limits of your car’s brakes
Learn correct seating, hand and foot positions
Learn the limits of your car’s tire adhesion
Plan to join us for these fun-driving events. You will not only enjoy yourself, you learn valuable skills for everyday driving on the street. And you will get to know why your Porsche is such an exceptional automobile!!
CNY PCA member’s children (16 and older) are welcome and encouraged to participate in our autocrosses.
They must have a valid, unrestricted driver’s license, must have a parent present and required waivers must be signed by both.
Let us Thank all the GREAT Volunteers for giving so much for each AutoCross event!
Without them, it would not be possible.