PCA Zone 1 website National PCA website Central New York Porsche Club of America

CNY PCA Articles & News

New Members – May 2021

Michael J. Boland
Kevin Bull
Arthur A Karpinski
Daniel Kjar
Keith Krieger
Glenn Erikson
Brian T. Pavlovitz

2021 CNYPCA Food Drive – Results

You know how I’m always quoting the PCA motto, “It’s not just the cars, It’s the people”.  

Well, the results from our FOOD DRIVE that we had on Saturday proves it. We had 31 cars that donated 150 lbs. of food and $2230.00 to the Food Bank of Central New York.  That equates to 6815 meals that needy families would not otherwise be getting! I am so proud to be associated with you people, it brings tears to my eyes! Really. Thank you so much for coming out and for being so generous. And thanks to everyone who helped to make this event a great success. 

Rush Pond

CNYPCA, President